Check out and support my donation campaign

Check out and support my donation campaign

I am looking for individuals who will be able to make a donation to my Fundly page. I am a newbie investor with no money of my own, but I have countless ideas on real estate strategies, that I've hone for over 6 year. I realized that I have wasted all this time learning strategies and didn't take the proper time to implement them; too busy reading other things. But a light-bulb went off in my head...I am the only one that can materialize this goal of $800. Not anyone else. So once I reach my goal, I will hit the ground sprinting to retirement, because I have a detailed plan on how to get there now. I am requesting that everyone who sees this post to got on over to and contribute as much as you can. I have a valuable gift for all my donors, so all donors will receive this as a token of my appreciation.

And one more thing. Could

I plan on giving all donors some extremely valuable info in return for their support. Pm me if you'd like.