New Years!

New Years!

Every year many of us resolve to make changes in our lives as the new year approaches. Some are achievable and others are dreams. Below are a few pointers on how to make resolutions that count, and most of all help you turn those resolutions into goals and success.

Create your Plan

Setting goals without having a plan is a dream. For it to be a goal there has to be a clear plan of action, and detailed steps that will get you from point A to point B. Your plan is your map to the steps necessary to accomplish the goal.

Do it NOW

Most motivated people have some success with their resolutions…the 1st couple of weeks in January. Then the motivation fades and they’re left knowing that another year has come and gone, and they haven’t achieved what they resolved achieve. It’s imperative that you create your plan, and put it into action NOW. Don’t wait! Not a couple of days, or next week. Do it NOW!

Write it down

Goals are merely dreams unless they are written down. It has been proven time and time again, that we not only retain information better when we write it down, it also serves as a visual reminder of what we want to accomplish. So write it down! Put it where you will see it on a regular and consistent basis.

Go for “all year” goals

We have become a society of immediate gratification. Unfortunately, there is no way to build something long term or substantial in one day. The goal can be established in one day, the plan can be set in motion in one day, but most goals can’t and won’t be accomplished in one day. Remember the adage “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. Resolutions are your starting point. Develop a plan and a strategy to accomplishing your goals on a day by day, step by step basis. Goals, either short or long term require time and effort to successfully achieve them.

Be Flexible

Life, in all its resplendence has a way of throwing the unexpected at us. Being flexible is not only a good idea to implement in your life as a general rule, but is imperative to your success. Be flexible with timeframes and goals. Both will change based on our experiences. “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” Remember that goals can and should be accomplished despite what life throws at us. The only requirement is that we bend, twist, turn and maneuver ourselves to accomplish the goals we have established.

Acknowledge Accomplishments

Give yourself the proper recognition for your successes along the way. By doing this you keep the momentum going and you acknowledge the progress you’re making. Give yourself all the reinforcement you can. Small successes are still a success! Give them the recognition they deserve!

This year resolve to not make resolutions, but make goals.
Happy Holidays!


Thank you for this

Thank you for this information. I hope you have a wonderful holiday!