What Town to Start In?

What Town to Start In?

Hi...Newbie here. I have no money, and below average credit. I am starting out doing pre foreclosures, etc., to make some cash and get a start. Question: Would you go to the West Coast of FL, Sarasota, Tampa area, where there are many opportunities like this right now, or stay closer to home, in the Stamford-Bridgeport area which I know very well.

I'm savvy and I believe I could get to know a new area quickly especially if I got a job driving a cab or limo. Also, I have about 10K to live on and expenses would be considerably cheaper in FL, not to mention the weather.

Thoughts?? Thanks for taking the time to help me and offer your advise.

My Best,



What Town To Start In?

Sounds like you have several reasons for the Florida move. I believe you can be successful in both areas. You may be more comfortable beginning in an area you are familiar with. This doesn't stop you from doing research in the Florida area. I worked with a couple in San Francisco. All of their investing was in Louisiana. They made sevl trips, established their team and were very successful.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125



My name is Keith, I live in Ft Myers, about one hour south of Sarasota. Check out deangraziosi.com and click 'Groups'...you'll see SWFL. My response? Come on down! I'm new to this myself. We always think the grass is greener on the other side, but like Dean says, opportunity is everywhere! I would love a buddy in SWFL following DG system. I'm actually overwhelmed w/ the 4closures here in FL and am quickly trying to get caught up on info/edu on how to profit. I'm not into the mentoring program yet, but hopefully will be within the next month or so.

I guess my tag line could be,

Don't know much, but full of of enthusiasm!!!

Keith in Florida