Hello My name is Albyena Newberry...Alby for short..however my friends and family still call me BUNNY....When my parents brought me home from the hospital that is all they ever called me. So, I went to grammar school, middle school and high school with my name as BUNNY. Thats why i alwsys utilize my handle as SIMPLY BUNNY on line. I am fourty nine years old and was married once. I am now widowed and I have six children. I believe greif experienced by losing a child is by far the hardest of lifes lessons thus far. I lost my second son Jesse to suicide he threw himself in front of an Amtrak passenger train April 24th 2006...He had been homeless and I can honestly say...if I had a safe secure home for him to land when he became homeless at the age of twenty four he may of been alive today. Having Shelter that is loving and safe is crucial to our being able instead of just survive. His life and death was and is sometimes the most difficult thing for me to face as a mother. My heart goes out to every parent that has lost their child because of war, evil predators, or bizzare accidents, disease. HAPPINESS has escaped me these past couple of years and I am trying to come out of that deep dark hole of depression and take financial control of my life. I have two young daughters still at home and four beautiful grandchildren with a fifth on the way..but if i dont do something different i see myself on the corner or near a roadside holding one of those signs asking for help. I have no formal education other than attending a couple of college classes after leaving high school early with NO diploma..and still no GED..How stupid were those choices as a young adult who did not know any better..I thought if I got married that would make my life better and although I still believe in marriage today...well I realize other peoples wills can not be controlled and they can have an affect on your life. I can not blame anyone else for my bad choices..however I do understand that loving people that hurt us can leave us with low self esteem. Not to mention tragedies that one could never imagine will alter our perception of life and love for eternity.
IM scared but IM GOING FOR IT.
I have nothing else that seems even close to making my dreams of owning my own home possible...Im scared but Im going for it...Nice to be here.