
All About rymind

Melvin LittleBaker
About Me: 

Hello to all my dg family.....I am looking forward to working with all of you here..

movies, games, music.

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Mainly Just This One


Movies & Music

Anthony Davis's picture

Hello and welcome back!
I also love movies and music. I will say right off the bat that I don't go to movies that much any more Or watch movies on TV, because I am devoting much of my time to real estate right now. I'm sure in the near future I will have more freedom though. As far as music is concern....I tend to be attracted to great combination of sounds, instead of the words of a song. So I'm the person that listens for the melody FIRST, then I HEAR the words.
Dean's robotic marketing system is working for me & I have callers from NY and Virginia inquiring. I am highly interested in networking for deals! No properties are under contract yet, but I should have some shortly. What are your target market(s)?
Your NC DG Family,