
All About raven1234

raven1234's picture
Darren Gray
DC / Maryland
About Me: 

Full Time Real Estate Investor

Topics I've Participated In

24/7 Phone Script raven123429 years 40 weeks ago
SELLER LEAD raven1234010 years 45 weeks ago
Hey Everyone emattp1311 years 27 weeks ago
Property Under Contract VonnyV232211 years 30 weeks ago
Near Johnstown, Pennsylvania ?? raven1234011 years 34 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate Investor
Have Child(ren)

Sites I Visit



sistreat's picture

I just wanted to stop by and say hello to you. Welcome to the Dean family. We are all a close knit group here and we all help each other and encourage. Ask anyone for help here and you will get much help along the way. Glad to meet you and now get in there and learn and get a property under contract.

Thank You !

raven1234's picture

Thank You Sissy ! Guess Im a little slow.... you sent this a while back. You can probably answer a question for me. Please write back


Aloha & Mahalo Darren!

JJD's picture

Hello and Welcome to the DG Community!
May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site. Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available. It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well as creating your own personal journal such as my example on my profile page.


raven1234's picture


Hi Sissy, Thank you for your

DebraAnn's picture

Hi Sissy,
Thank you for your email. When I broke my leg I was unable to continue looking for real estate properties going into forecloses, walking the neighborhoods.

I thought that there was nothing I could do until my leg was healed again and I could go around looking for four closers once again. After Deans weekly wisdom today he reminded us of the 25-1 and now I am going to get back to work looking for real estate agents.

I have been trying to find REI clubs but the closest one I could find is 70 miles from my home and my older car can not travel that far. I gave up on REI clubs but after today's weekly wisdom I started thinking don't give up on REI's but start one of your own out here in the San Fernando Vally.

I have met some investors on the street and they have told me that they are giving up on the market right now so if we can start an REI club and encourage them back in to investing in Real Estate the way Dean encourages us maybe we can get some things going out here. What do you think? Do you have any Ideas?
Debra Ann

Does anyone know how to start an REI club?

DebraAnn's picture

I am trying to find some REI clubs in the San Fernando Valley. but have had no luck. I had given up on REI clubs but after today's Weekly Wisdom I thought about starting an REI club maybe in Northridage where I have a friend I can ask if we could use his restaurant on an night they are not busy.

How would we start it? I am thinking
1.) Get the investors. And Play some of Dean's books on cd until I could get some speakers.

2.) Get speakers but who? Housing Department to teach California Law, maybe some real estate attorneys. Get some one from the Apartment association, maybe a councilmen? Does anyone have any ideas how to start an REI club in the San Fernando Valley?


HI there

DeniseNamaste's picture

Thank you for the welcome Smiling I have questions for the forum, and I will be asking those later, however I understand most of the book very well and I am looking for a good REA and broker today!