
All About radientred

radientred's picture
Nanette Gallas
Cheney, Wa. near Spokane, Wa.
About Me: 

I've looked at real estate investing off and on for 20 years. Gee, where would I be now if I had acted on it 20 years ago? I'm 53 years old, single, and retired with some physical disabilities and depression. My two children are grown and have their own families. I am a Grand Ma six times over plus two adopted grandkids. Gardening and taking care of my three little dogs are my favorite past times. Perfectionism and procrastination are my two biggest enemies. My new mantra is, "JUST DO IT".

gardening, pets, sewing, jewelry making,

Topics I've Participated In

Graphic Tools for REI by JJD - #4 - FREE REI BUSINESS CARDS JJD3713 years 28 weeks ago
ANY STUDENTS IN SPOKANE, WA.? radientred014 years 25 weeks ago

Basic Info

RETIRED: Liscenced Clinical Social Worker and Dress Shop Owner
My Pets Are My Kids
Completed Post Graduate

Sites I Visit


Welcome Nanette

JJD's picture

Hello and Welcome to the DG Community!
May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site. Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available. It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest.


Welcome to the DG Family

MJlooking4RealEstate's picture

Welcome to the DG Family

Welcome Nanette

sistreat's picture

I wanted to stop by and welcome you to Dean's board he created for all of us.
I know you will find many new real estate friends and enjoy reading all the great informaion on the board. I look forward to hearing about your first deal.
Also if you will fill out your profile and tell everyone what state and town you live in...chances are you may find someone from the board who lives very close to you. Many great investing partnerships have been formed right here on Deans board. Also tell us a little about yourself on your profile. I like reading about how special and unique each person is.

thanks Sissy

radientred's picture

Just got it done. Thanks for the suggestion. I had forgotten all about the profile. It would bee good if I started my journal too. Maybe that will make me more accountable to myself. I have been home on disability for 3 years now and have rally developed some unproductive ways. Tv, naps, magazines, loli-gaggin around etc. Every now and then I just need a swift kick in the you know what.