Joined: 2009-03-21
Points: 43

Mark Gleason
Atlanta, GA
About Me:
Have been in the real estate business for some time. Have a property management company (manage only our own investments)and always looking for great deals. Saw Dean's infomercial and bought his most recent book. Looking to take advantage of the current market and the opportunities that are available.
High School and College Athletics, Own and Operate a College Recruiting Business
Im doing some research this evening.
Bear with me, I am originally from Australia, so not knowing the counties off hand ( not American ) does not mean I cannot find them, but it takes a little more searching out.
Samantha & Steve Engan
I noticed that you had a property as a rent/lease purchase-did you fill that property?
I am going to look in those counties tonight, and I will get back to you Wednesday. I will email you a list of possible properties, and if you could let me know what the minimum purchase amount you would prefer, and the maximum you will go to. I have a friend in Memphis, who found a property in Jackson last month, locked up the contract and re-assigned the sale to an investor. Basically, he showed me how to find such a deal, and because the property was a short sale, the appraisal was for 66k, he bought it for 12k, and sold it to an investor for 15k. Sounds like a nice deal, he made 3000k for the finders fee, the investor has a renter ready to go after he fixes up the property (5k) and can turn around and sell it in a year or two for 66k making a profit of 46k.
These types of deals are all over, and I am quite willing to find the deals in your area, however I won't be able to make trips-so we may need to different way to go about our deals.
What say you?