
All About marcnap

marcnap's picture
Marc Nap
New Jersey
About Me: 

Aggressively looking for my first property and looking
to possibly partner up with the right person.

I am very Passionate about real estate. I have worked
with people who have successfully bought and flipped
and bought and rented out for passive incomes and am
finally ready to do it for myself... Exciting !

Topics I've Participated In

Just Signed Another Contract & Will Close On Friday ! gceriani7313 years 41 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Partnering up !

marcnap's picture

I am Looking to partner up with someone
on my first deal. I am very passionate about
real estate and excited to get started.... especially
after reading Dean's book and visiting his site.

Looking forward to hearing from you...




marcnap's picture

Thank you... and i will


Same here

what areas of real estate do you plan on focusing on so I can have a better idea of what you know or are comfortable with doing?


jefgee48's picture

I am also interested in finding a partner for my first deal.I just got a great real estate agent as Dean suggests and am working on my buyers list.My agent has sent me the list of expired homes on the MLS and i am waiting for a list of cash buyers from the last 90 days.Anyone living in Baltimore Maryland ready to do some wholesale assignments with me?

Are you still investing?

Anthony Davis's picture

Mar nap,
Are you still investing in real estate?
Are you still investing in your rei education?
Are you still staying tuned in?
If not, reconsider. Opportunity is all around.
Freedom Seeker,