Joined: 2009-12-23
Points: 166

Layman T. Scott
Vinita, Ok
Exploring neighborhoods and houses. Having a great time acting like a bigshot and trying to find that killer deal.
Title | Poster | Replies | Updated |
Dean's Finance Center | dgadmin | 287 | 8 years 22 weeks ago |
New Forum: Start Your Journal Here - Read First | dgadmin | 375 | 9 years 25 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #184 - Logical Decisions | dgadmin | 1804 | 10 years 42 weeks ago |
Replay! Conference Call Tuesday, December 22nd @ 9PM EST - Special Guest Jeff Jensen | dgadmin | 64 | 10 years 45 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #104 - What's Your Story? | dgadmin | 114 | 11 years 24 weeks ago |
Welcome to the family, LT. So the trailer hug turned out to be a blessing in some ways. Instead of complaining or feeling sorry for yourself you found something positive! Good Job!
You have, also, already gotten started with your REI career and sound busy. Congratulations.
You should start a journal and add something every few days, if not more often. It will help you get in touch and stay in touch with the DG family.
Scott, I did see where you had a journal going before and talked about it. I could not remember where on this site I ran across that to find it again. Do you fill out a journal just by entering in this comment section of your account or is there a specific Journal Area? I'm trying to come up with one good- but short,ghost add for motivated sellers, and a good,but short ghost add for motivated buyers now. Just enough to catch their attention while not being to costly to run. Hope we all make it in the LONG run. Striving. Layman T. Scott
(copied from my profile answering your post)
Laymen, I luv Barm and I am waiting for 'Your town" now. Expect and hope for it to arrive today.
Reading Barm the second time is like reading a whole new book. I am getting a lot more out of it this time around. It seems to somehow make more sence. I imagine that is because I have learned a bunch since reading it the first time.
I am also joining the success academy. I had originally planned to do so at the begginning of Feb but I may wait a few weeks longer because I want to focus on my new area after I move which will be in March.
Yes, I am signed in quiet a bit to our family. I am addicted and don't want to miss anything. It is a little less now since my holiday vacation is over and I have to work again, but I am still here daily.
Laymen, the way you turned around the semi hug to your advantage makes my obstacles seem tiny and you motivate me. Thank you for you.
Scott; Yes after lots of physical therapy-back to driving semi. Had hoped would be able to get rolling into investing and not have to go back to work. Did not pan out. Not due to effort. Never found any of those desperate need to sell or lose property to the bank deals. All of the already foreclosed have to have funds available,or great credit to get the loan. Which I do not have. Found lots of bank owned property's at less than value-not as good as about to foreclose,but less than FMV. but it seems to come down to it takes money to make money. Not able to find any of the no money down deals were supposed to be able to talk them into. Wife gives me a hard time now for the thousands we owe for this coaching that has had no payback so far. think may have to go the easy route if can find land only cheap,then buy a used mobile home to put on it an rent out. Maybe I can get a few of these that pay their own bills plus hope $150-$200 month extra. If enough could bring in extra monthly cashflow to cover some of the bills. Still looking for Anything,just not as much time to get it going now. I have a few people wanting a house in my town to buy on lease to own. Only I have no houses an even my real estate broker who used to send me listings,no longer does. How can they take me serious when I cannot buy anything myself? Lots of outgoing expenses,business cards,laptop,ect..yet no incoming money. Hope your doing better. Layman T. Scott
Have been busy between getting last 3 rentals ready to rent with final make pretty fix ups. While looking at other Hud and bank REO foreclosure's in my ares. Offered on 3 last month,bur wasout bid and did not get. Tried for extra great profit. Then looked over 2 other HUD houses recently listed. Was waiting the 31 days for owner occupant only to be over to make my offer. Both sold to homeowners that sign to live on the property before it opened to investor offers. Was looking forward to own both of those as needed very little rehab. Plus loved the can buy for 1/4 to 1/3 of actual value. Instant equity. Little over 1 year after bought 1st great deal, and now have 6 rental's. Last 3 100% paid in full,no loan,no lean, 100% cash flow! Let alone owning over 3/4 Million in net worth. Already looked at 1 more HUD with only 4 more days wait to be removed from HUD owner occupant offers and open for me to offer. Very nice 3 bed,2 bath,built 1965,1712 sq ft. Asking $37,000. Last sold for $81,500 in 2007. Needs very little cosmetic,almost move in ready. See if still there in next few days. If not just found today new listed Bank REO my town. Asking $38,900. Last sold $91,000 in 2007. 3 Bed, 2bath,Built 1965. Both have central H/A. Both will easy get at least $650 month rent. Both very nice area. Will let you know when next offer accepted. Lost several,others bid more. Ones accepted, fantastic profit! Need make OFFERS, or you not have chance to get one. I barley missed the one's lost. When in great shape was offer up to within $5,000 of asking, just to ensure get it or a counter offer. If lot of rehab,offer low,if get it great, lots of profit. If not got it no big loss, will always be others that need new lamanate floor and tile to make appealing. I watched Lowes and Home Depo how to video's. Found out easy to learn do lamanate wood floor, tile, and found out replacement windows very easy! Low price to do yourself-With great property improvement. Did all that to the 2 story 2752 sq ft house got for only $14,500 bank REO. Now worth $180,000! We plan on rent for 1 year for over $850 month-and that low rent for so nice and big. Then sale it. Enough profit pay off all cards and the one rent loan have on another,plus enough left over buy 2 more fix up's. Then always keep 1 for increase rental income, and sale the other. So can continue always buy 2, keep one and sale one. Rent house continue increase by one ever sale. Always sale the other ,so can buy 2 more. No bank loans. No leans. On our ways!! Thanks to Deans coaching. My wife see's was a great business investment. I also got to claim all of it as Business start up expense- made money on returns maxed out deductions last 2 years for best tax return. This is great. Thanks Dean; Layman T. Scott President and Treasurer of Scott Housing and Rentals,LLC
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Web page and LLC
Today I set up my free web page from Deans "Profit From Real Estate Right Now". Plus I had filed for an LLC here in the state of Okla,I received it back approved today. I'm going to talk with a home seller tomorrow. I am gathering and choosing my motivated buyers and sellers adds to place for my first time in the local paper's on Monday. I have a nice list of foreclosure's and pre-foreclosures I got off of Deans PropTrend listings that I was able to google earth right on that list for great directions. So I'm ready to go look at a BUNCH of houses! I am glad I'm a member of Deans Success Academy as I have lots of questions and I'm ready to put all this into fast forward. So I'll be bombarding the coaches with questions daily I bet. Great way to start off a brand new 2010! Not bad for someone who's just went into the hospital the night before Thanksgiving for 5 days. As was crushed standing between two semi trailers when another truck driver hit the trailer beside me backing in. Pinning me between the two trailers. I've been off work due to the accident since then. But able to get around now with minuminal pain. Looking forward to getting out of the house. Just hoping I do not get released to go back to my old time consuming work before I can get Real Estate Investing off the ground! lol Wish me luck. scottrealtydeals@****