Joined: 2010-05-17
Points: 70

Marti Heinze
Alamogordo, NM
About Me:
Grew up thinking that all girls could roof a house, tear out a wall, or remodel a kitchen. My dad was into RE and had 26 rental houses. I always knew that someday, I'd find a way to get into real estate. I dabbled, owned many homes over the years and currently have 2 rental houses, a cabin, and some acreage.
I've been a nurse nearly 35 years and then I got hurt. Off work for over a year and can never go back to the ICU. God wants me to do something else. So now I'm planning my escape and my retirement using Dean's strategies and Real Estate Investing.
I just love real estate.
Real Estate, Stain Glass, Reading, Meditation, Reiki
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