
All About kdhurd11

kdhurd11's picture
Long Island, New York Nassau and Suffolk County

Topics I've Participated In

DG members by State they live reinvestor422268 years 27 weeks ago
Anyone here from Long Island?? kdhurd1118 years 30 weeks ago
I just..... kdhurd11109 years 28 weeks ago
Hhhhmmmmm.....30 days to real estate cash... kdhurd11149 years 46 weeks ago
Finding a Realtor aaron-n-suzy109 years 46 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


welcome to

insidernotes's picture

welcome to the DG Family !


Hi Joel!!

kdhurd11's picture

Hi Joel,

It's Saturday late afternoon and this was the first chance that I had to go on the site. I cannot thank you enough for responsing to my post. I know that everyone has problems and I honestly wasn't feeling sorry for myself when I wrote that post.....I was so disappointed, upset and yes....depressed.
I put my faith and my livelyhood in a friend that promised to work with me, if I promised to put in a ton of hard work. I kept up my end of the bargain and he did not. I could understand if it was for a legitimate reason...but it wasn't. I am the type of person that believe with all my heart that you pay it forward. I pray every single day for those in need and my Pastor always tells me that It's okay to pray for myself too!
Yes!! Please lets talk about partnering up!!
Right now Joel, my job lasts another month and one half. I am a single mom with the exact same bills that a married couple with children have.....except, I am doing it by myself. There is no room for failure as far as I'm concerned.
My email is kdhurd11@**** and my cell is 631-626-0933. It's a suffolk area code because that is where I am originally from, but now I live in Levittown. FYI....I work during the week as a personal assistant and a nanny. Sometimes, it is hard for me to answer the phone as my boss is extremely strict. But, if you leave me a message....I will get back to you ASAP.
Thank you Joel for reaching out to me and God Bless!!


Karen (KDHurd11)

No problem

insidernotes's picture

I just sent you my contact information area code 347

Welcome aboard

keb64's picture

Welcome to the family and the site. Study hard and always be looking for deals because they are everywhere. On the west coast but do deals in three states. Hope you can come to the edge this year if it is not sold out already. It will change your life..Keith

My number is 816-321-8966

My number is 816-321-8966 call me I need houes a,s.a.p

My number is 816-321-8966

My number is 816-321-8966 call me I need houes a,s.a.p my name is maurice

Hey you

hchomes's picture

Hi Karen,

This is John Hamilton from HC Homes LLC. We met on Bigger Pockets. I actually have been involved on this site since 2010 ever since I took some classes from Dean's success academy.

Take care,

Hello and welcome to the DG Family!

jjd152027's picture

Hi Karen,

I am interested in your newsletter please
could you send me a copy with the off market
houses to my email this is only for the person who i am contacting only no spamming

I can with buyer i have a

I can with buyer i have a lot of buyer call me my name is maurice 816-725-0577

I can with buyer i have a

I can with buyer i have a lot of buyer call me my name is maurice 816-725-0577