Well almost 40 still optimistic and a little crazy or unconventional if you will, according to those without a creative vision. That is where Dean got to me at the crazy card people play when they dont get it, or want you to have it either. It being that temporarily intangible brass ring that if it can be concieved of it can be realized. You know, like the telephone, planes, cars or any successful invention.I am sure if everyone believed benjamin franklin at his word they all would of been flying a kite. Sometimes doing "crazy" new things instead of using "Common" sense proves quite extraordinary results dont come from common people anyway.
I have always loved architecture and design, seeing the diamond in the rough applies to people as well as property [and hopefuly not to be confused], shopping properties,helping others,gambling,makeover projects that take bad to beautiful, and proving skeptics wrong. Educating myself mostly reading and researching as well as surrounding myself with those whome I would most aspire to emulate. I had no more than a half days high school education so in my early 20's I got my GED and took some computer 101 and application courses at Ohlone a j.c. in fremont where I raised my almost 21 year old noble and beautiful daughter, she is my strength really. I finished Real Estate school in East Bay with an exceptional brokers office and being a nerd gone wrong was detoured by depression after not passing my state exam on the first try even though I had carefuly positioned myself as a part time employee with a tax office and a mortgage co...I lost faith for a short time in the world around me as it all was stripped away in what I will only reffer to as the year of trials and truths.
So even though I have no job,no co-signers,no capital no collateral..there is no
way I am gonna sit back and go no-where when the biggest and best time to buy property.[I have waited for 15 years, gone to Real estate school and finished in 2 months flat to prep. for this time [6yrs ago] So life threw a curve ball and I lost it all 5 years ago. All my posessions, my vehicle,my home, my work ,mentors ..you name it.
Now I have been trying to rebuild a network in my new homebase here in Sonoma County since having moved here almost 4 yrs ago. I do have a roof over my head, a car that looks better than it runs and communication tools, as well as an aggressive agent my signif. other bought a home that I found for us but he is of the mind that I must do this alone, and may be right so the book was his only contribution to this career choice but he does not realize how much experience and education was provided over the last 3 and a half months via the multiple dealings that finaly led to an acceptable investment he preffers to call home.
I am more ambitious or insatiable when I enjoy something so much as this game of getting the best deal, I have always loved to play "turkish flea market"! Hats off to strong negotiators everywhere.
I've lost contact with over 10 yrs vested in networking with construction , mtg. people,R.E. agents and brokers, investors and contractors. So boohoo.Time to re-group.
But after a thoughtful inventory All may be new..not lost after all. I literally have nothing to lose,so heck,Lets do this thing is all I can say right now.
And Thank you , of course for a forum of hope and positive place to go and really get my mind right when the time comes.