
All About j1daloise

Joel D'Aloise
Niagara Falls, NY
About Me: 

I've had the course materials for several years now and have taken no action. I've now reached the point in my life of semi-retirement and really want to get going with the Wholesaling aspect of the DG business.

travelling, hunting

Topics I've Participated In

Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #293 - Market Crash! dgadmin3810 years 36 weeks ago

Basic Info

Retired US Army Lieutenant-Colonel
Completed Post Graduate

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Where do I begin?

I have so many training materials as well as the online resources. I don't know where to begin; I'm thinking is the "30 Days to Real Estate Cash" book the best place to start?

acquiring a specific property

I've found a specific property in Indianapolis I want to acquire via a Sheriff's Foreclosure sale to be held next Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018. This will enable me to be closer to my son and grandchild. With such a short amount of time remaining (a week), how can I go to the sale with a Certified Check in my hands to appear as a credible and serious buyer, then re-finance the deal afterwards?