
All About I_will_not_lose

I_will_not_lose's picture
Jamar Brown
Athens Georgia

Topics I've Participated In

how to set up escrow for lease options Ranger16717 years 49 weeks ago
Marketing For Lease Option Sellers DG_DealMaker418 years 44 weeks ago
Using The New Analysis Tool dgadmin7411 years 33 weeks ago
My First Remote Deal is Taking Off! steinway0243512 years 37 weeks ago
NEED BUYERS ??!!!! Hines Enterprises9612 years 47 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Awesome user name! Welcome!

Real Estate Master's picture

Awesome user name! Smiling Welcome!

RE: Awesome user name! Welcome!

I_will_not_lose's picture



Jay Sthilaire's picture

great attitude!! you WILL SUCCEED!!

RE: welcome!!

I_will_not_lose's picture



MyDestiny's picture

Congratlations on joining the greatest opportnity by far! "You Can't Lose" with an attitude like yours! Much success to you..........Lubertha

RE: Congrats!

I_will_not_lose's picture


nice to meet you !

young Money's picture

Hey whats up, very cool user name, sounds like you have a good head about you. Glad to have you apart of the DG family bro. Hope to maybe do a deal or two or three in the near future with you.Till then may God bless all your real estate ventures,and get that money man! I'll holla

young Money

& Live Life Cool


I_will_not_lose's picture

I know I deserve it. I just got to get out there and get it. I can't just sit back and wait on something to happen. They say if you win the lottery you are lucky. Only partially true. You still had to take action and go play them numbers or scratch that ticket. Nothin' happens without action. We can do some deals together. PM me your contact info.

Aloha & Mahalo! Welcome

JJD's picture

Aloha & Mahalo!

Welcome Gifts For You!
download files, leave comments and Enjoy



Here are some resources to get you started! Please leave your comments in the post or two. And, Don't forget to check out all of the other great resources available in the books, links, downloads, conference calls and website provided here.

May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site.
Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available.
It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well.
Thanks For Coming Aboard!


owner financing

AMarbut's picture

hi you might want to check out this website: ownerfinancebuyer. com I live in Texas so I don't know if you would be interested in any thing in there, but thought I would pass it on to you. Let me know if it helps. Good Luck

house for sale

I have a 3/2 modular for sale in Colorado. If interested I can send you more details. I am willing to carry with a 3 year balloon.


derrickburns92's picture

that is so true