
All About hope7

hope7's picture
Dallas/Fort Worth TX
I'm a multi-preneur getting focused on REI, the only reasonable choice with potential for large rewards. When I'm not working I enjoy participating in social media, gardening, writing, swimming, cooking, watching HGTV, and a good movie ...romantic comedies preferred, not necessarily in that order.

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #138 - Watch this, win Dean's iPad dgadmin24018 years 39 weeks ago
Need help estimating repairs hope71112 years 40 weeks ago
Deal or no deal? hope7312 years 47 weeks ago
Deal or no deal? hope71713 years 1 week ago
Finding owner of abandoned property... hope7213 years 5 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate Investor
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit


New To This

jdilley09's picture

I'm a newbie here and I'm treating this site as my new face book lol. Just wanted to say what's up and I hope you make lots of money and have crazy fun. I'm looking to build my buyers list now and get really involved with the DG Fam.

Hi Greg!

hope7's picture

Just found this post ... so hope you'll forgive the delay in replying. My husband and I would love to connect with other DG'rs. If you are not already aware of it, why not join us at the REIO-FW Club, Thurs. 1.9. Let me know if you can make it and I'll send details.

Thanks for the welcome ... we hope to meet you soon!


hello & welcome!

hope7's picture

Treating this like your new FB is a fantastic idea! I'll borrow it if you don't mind. We're in DFW area of TX. Where are you located?

Let us know what kind of properties are you looking for and where? We'd be glad to help any way we can.


"Master the mundane and you will achieve success"

After my own heart

Its Been So Long's picture

You're a sister after my own heart. I too love watching HGTV and romantic comedy. That was pretty funny when i saw that. I was like WOW that's me. I just wanted to say hi and good luck to you. If you want to venture out into my area, let me know and we can work some stuff out.

Great to hear from you!

hope7's picture

Nice to know your likes are mine. This forum is wonderful for helping us feel as though we're not alone. Tell me more about what type of property you're looking for and where you're located?

Love to get a dialogue going ... did you know we get points for postings in specific forum? Why not consider answering me there so more people will know what you're after! Just a thought...


hey gail, what's up with the

masseur07's picture

hey gail,

what's up with the rei club you spoke of back in the winter?


dfw metroplex