I am a stay at home mother of two boy's. I have always wanted to get into real estate. I am excited to get my first deal going. I love to help people out.
My husband is the bread winner in the family. He isn't real sure of this REI stuff. I am the one who has done the research and know more about this than he. I am very serious about doing this for a living. I have my fears but I know deep down I can do this.
You see I have not had the best as far as an "easy childhood" by any means. I had many opstacles in my life, as many people do to overcome.I'm not looking for pitty or excuses. Many times during my middle school through highschool years were troublesome. I went for days without eating and we were always getting evicted from our home. My mom tried, but at that point in my life she had given up on me and my brother and sisters. As far as responsibilitty to us. So we all found other people in our lives to lean on or help us out. I for one.. never asked for anything from anyone. I still am a little stubborn at times. But my family is to this day not a close family. I want to break the chains of the past. I want to give so much more to my two boy's than my mother ever did for me and my brother and sisters.
My family means everything to me. I just want the dream of no worries and to be happy with the choices I make in life.
The Blitzkrieg!
Awsome Awsome stuff Dean. I am so excited to be a part of the team.I am ready to take action and have a better life for me and my family.
Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!!