
All About Dealfinders

Dealfinders's picture
Larry Pullman
Tampa, Florida
About Me: 

20 Year Veteran Real Estate Investor/Personal Development COACH and Mentor. President and Founder of Dealfinders Investor Network, Inc. based in TAMPA, FLORIDA. National Sales Coordinator for REIWEBTOOLS, an interactive program that Manages the Daily Activities of REAL ESTATE INVESTORS. We currently Manage a large group of Investors in the US and CANADA.

Topics I've Participated In

How Do I Generate Buyer and Seller Leads? Dealfinders015 years 7 weeks ago

Basic Info

Full Time Mentor and Coach
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit



Dealfinders's picture

Dean....Awesome site. We at REIWEBTOOLS and Dealfinders Network in Tampa applaud you for your awesome service to people with a desire to succeed.

Hey Larry...

NJFJ's picture

What Good Larry Pullman?... I'm glad you join my group. I'm looking to take this to whole other level. 2010 I'm trying to make it happen and want to see the people in my group to see prosperity with me. Give me a holla and give me some insight on what you working on or what are your plans with this. Just want to see where you are at with this mentally. Wish you the best Larry... Nelson

Building Buyers List

Hi Larry,

I have properties available in Philadelphia and Delaware County, PA and am looking for cash buyers. Let me know what your investors are looking for and I'll email what I have. Thanks.


Hi larry my name is marlon davis i wholesale houses and short sales i've
been a investor for 8 years now i buy all over the usa and i sell to all investors i thought maybe we could help each other when needed.

Interested In Missouri

Looking to make 2010 the start of something big. Please provide any info you have of lending options.

Hi Nelson

Dealfinders's picture

Well...Mentally....I am A full time Investor/Wholesaler and I manage a group here in Tampa, Florida.

I love to help others by a "hands on" approach...helping each person individually develop a game plan and get them to the closing table....WHERE THE RESULTS ARE....A PAYCHECK!

Hope that helps!



Dealfinders's picture

Feel Free to Email me at [email protected]

If you are a wholesaler or bird dog...I require that you either own the property that you are sending or you have it under contract.



Dealfinders's picture

Feel Free to Email me at [email protected]

CASH Buyers

I am heading to SO. Calif. soon.
Looking for CASH buyers to add to my buyers list.
If interested in this area email me your criteria.
Thank You!

Allentown Pa area

Do you have cash buyers for the Allentown Pa area

Do you buy in the Allentown PA area

Do you invest all over

Hi Larry

John Studdard's picture

Do you invest in the Central MO area? Have a great day!



wholesaling homes in Hawaii

We are wholesalers looking for buyers of homes in up-scale neighborhood at drastically reduced prices. We have several properties available now that must be closed in 10 days. Most homes sell for 35-50% of their market value. This is your chance to own fantastic properties on the Big Island of Hawaii for rentals or resale!

FL Mobile Home Park

Snowbird Jim's picture

Hi Larry,
Would you, or someone you know, be interested in a FL Mobile Home Park (pocket listing) that offers 91 MH sites, 36 RV sites, 16 rental cabins, multiple income streams: boat launch, laundry, liquor, food, boat rental, etc.. If so, the purchase price is $2,500,000. Market value is $3,500,000+/-. Net Annual cashflow is $575,913.60. A financial spreadsheet is available upon request.
This won't last long, so let me know ASAP.