I am a 34yr old husband, father, friend, and son that is looking for an opportunity to provide a better life for my family. I've been married now for two years, and we have a 1yr old son, with another boy due April 30th. I know that I have to make a change in my families lives for the better.
I'm also teach Martial Arts. I am the Head Martial Arts instructor at my school. I have a lot of responsibilities and students that depend on me. Our school is in the middle of a legal war. The owners of the property that we rent from are at war. One wants to sale the property and the other wants to keep it. Now there is a chance that our school will be moved or worse closed. I feel this opportunity will help me help my school. We can buy our own building and set our own rules!
Thank you for this great opportunity. I look forward to working with you!