
All About AA213

AA213's picture
St.Cloud, Fl. south of Orlando, next door to Kissimmee, Fl. & the Disney attractions
About Me: 

Me ??? Well I am a resident here in St.Cloud Fl. for almost 20 years. Within the past 5 years I have obtained my Realtor license but currently hold an inactive status. It was always my goal to take this desire of becoming financially independent working with real estate and investors eventually obtaining my own portfolio. Its time now that I put all else aside and do it !
So, Here I am.

Fishing , Cooking, Eating, Boating ,Farming & the Great Outdoors

Topics I've Participated In

How to Attract Investors to Assign to Your Deals Madison4097 years 51 weeks ago
104 Web Sites To Sell Your Properties sistreat639 years 28 weeks ago
Seeking Florida Folks. Dan_Auito1119 years 51 weeks ago
Glossary of Real Estate Terms Rina21510 years 30 weeks ago
The Low Down on (some) Cash for Houses Websites dgadmin8910 years 52 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate Agent
Have Child(ren)
Completed College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



SPORT's picture

Greetings and welcome.
Seeing that you have an RE license ought to help quite a bit! Let us know if you want to be part of the friendly competition. We're still hashing out the details.


Very interesting

dpuzo's picture

I would like to talk with you regarding my interest in trying to obtain REO's in that area. It would be interesting to get your take on the matter. Please respond to me at your convienience.


AA213's picture

The license means nothing really; only the experience,contacts & knowledge are an asset.Having license can also be a hindrance as by law I am suppose to disclose that in advertising and other situations.This is sometimes a turnoff to sellers as well as buyers .They just assume there is a better deal waiting within the public market. Same as buying a car; you will probably get a better deal form an individual than a dealership!
Yes, I am interested in the competition. I ts a challenge that will keep me focused. Thanks Again. AA

forum topic : FORECLOSURE TOOL

AA213's picture

Please read this and respond :

Within this website if you go to STUDENT RESOURCES then DEANS LIST SPECIAL REPORT to the FORECLOSURE RESEARCH TOOL you will find an amazing tool which will identify recent foreclosures by mapping them out on a birds-eye view of that property location.

This is a free service so it does not give the actual address; but with a little comparison of the view supplied & personal physical inspection of the area / street, it can easily be figured out.

Just go to the tool and put in the search zip code and the list and map will be displayed.

Use this tool to see visual aspects of the street and area.

I am new to this tool and NO expert with it.

Please try it and share your experiences.

If you have already used it, and know how recent and how often the lists are updated, please share.

building a team

Hello AA213 my name is Rick I to live in saint cloud,I'm trying to put together a local team of investors.To take advantage of the deals that are out there.I've come across quite a few. Please drop me an email at [email protected] and we can talk about getting going and making retirement money. lol

Another Tool

AA213's picture

try this

this is another awsome tool from DG

FL Mobile Home Park

Snowbird Jim's picture

Hi AA213,
Would you, or someone you know, be interested in a FL Mobile Home Park (pocket listing) that offers 91 MH sites, 36 RV sites, 16 rental cabins, multiple income streams: boat launch, laundry, liquor, food, boat rental, etc.. If so, the purchase price is $2,600,000. Market value is $3,500,000+/-. Net Annual cashflow is $575,913.60. A financial spreadsheet is available upon request.
This won't last long, so let me know ASAP.