Your Town Your Real Estate Profits

"....the knowledge you gained from doing the deal."

"Sometimes the most valuable thing may not be the cash you put in your pocket, but the knowledge you gained from doing the deal." - D.G. (page 178)

Profoundly True! Great words of WISDOM Dean.

"Judge no one; believe in everyone!"

"Judge no one; believe in everyone!" - D.G. (page 163)

THANK YOU Dean for reminding us!

Fear Of Success...Have you been there?

What's your recepie for success? I am starting this post with this question because I realized this about myself during the last few days. But first, I want to share the great little and amazing things have been happening to my real estate investing and personal growth since I started my journey on the new book. The recepies that Dean gives us on this book, are not for chicken noodle soup. But they are for a delicious and spicy beef stew. A stew that has all the necessary ingredients to be a delicacy. If you don't have all the necessary ingridients yet; you steel come out with a great recepie.

God Bless Dean For His New Book

Ive been wanting to make this post for the longest. First, I want to thank God for helping us getting throught the nasty winter ice freezing storm that hit Oklahoma over a week a go. It was devetaiting, but in spite of all that, I saw it as an opportunity. I dont want to take advantage of the situation but I got a feeling that many people might be selling their homes soon. It hit us real hard losing power for over a week. No internet and not heat. I was saving so I could join the Academy but had to used my funds for a Generator and a propane stove to heat my family. Today, we're getting the third snow fall in two weeks. But even not having electricity and not internet, thanks God that I got my Your town Your Real Estate Profits book that week.

Table of Contents ~ YOUR TOWN Your Real Estate PROFITS!

I thought it would be handy to have this info nearby as you're here on Dean's website; my contribution (for today) to help you leverage your time. I hope you find this useful.

Chapter 1: Yes, it works. Yes, in your town!....5

Chapter 2: Why are You Doing This!?............13

Chapter 3: The Clarity Begins..................23

Chapter 4: Greg Murphy.........................39

Chapter 5: Joe and Stacey Jurek................69

Chapter 6: Lubertha Cox & Burnadette Bruno.....97

Chapter 7: The Weule's........................113

Chapter 8: Angie Novigrod.....................135

Chapter 9: Jan Malek and Jeremy Zelkowitz.....155

Chapter 10: Eric Himebaugh....................171

Where is the chapter in Resources that Dean refers to in his new book?

On page 66 under Your Town Action Items the last action item is to read the chapter in Resources "Lease-Purchase & Lease-Sale Strategy"

Where is this at?

State, County, Town Research, and Hello

Hello all,

I am new here and this is my first post. However I have been here a couple of times and browsed around. I want to let everyone know that I see a great relationship here with everyone.

Anyway, I've came here today to place my first post and hopefully it will help some get the information they may be looking for.

Dean's New book

I just want to let every body know that this is the best book so far. I have not idea is going to be liked that. I ordered it, and Dean lets you download the book as an E-book, I have not beeing able to put it down and still on the first four chapters. The first few chapters includes the story of Greg Murphy, which I shared I was duplicating his system, but I was stuck on the contracts and out clauses. I tell you he answered all my questions and now I feel I have all the ammunition and confidence to take action. I let two great deals passed me by because of understanding the contracts, but now is all in the new book. I also got my call center and printed a bunch of flyers with my 800 number and now have my business in auto pilot liked Dean recommends.

Have you received your free copy yet?

Has anyone who ordered the Empowering Conversations series received their free copy of Dean's new book Your Town Your Real Estate Profits yet?

I'm still waiting for mine.


New Jersey are you Making things Happen?

I just got Dean's Book Your Town and I can not put it down I am actually about to read it a second time LOL.

Dean is an amazing Writer and his book makes me feel like he is right here reading it to me. I hope to jump right off the Newbie list and into some Real Estate.

I look forward to meeting anyone from New Jersey... I have seen a few but they were here for a few Months then never returned. I am making a Daily Dose of Dean and come here every Morning.

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