I need Ideas on how to get funds for an Earnest Money Deposit which is required in order to business with Banks.
Should I advertise on Craigslist?
If I tell them it is for an Earnest Money Deposit on a home do you think they will want to know the Property Address?
What expenses would I as an Assignee incur? I live in Massachusetts. I am assigning so I should not have any Title Commitment or Insurance fees is this right?
I have nothing of my own to invest but I want to get started with this.
Most if the Real Estate Agents I talk with have NO FAITH in No Money Down ideas so finding one that does will be a Pain in the Neck.
I need Ideas on how to get funds for an Earnest Money Deposit which is required in order to business with Banks.
Should I advertise on Craigslist?
If I tell them it is for an Earnest Money Deposit on a home do you think they will want to know the Property Address?
What expenses would I as an Assignee incur? I live in Massachusetts. I am assigning so I should not have any Title Commitment or Insurance fees is this right?
I have nothing of my own to invest but I want to get started with this.
Most if the Real Estate Agents I talk with have NO FAITH in No Money Down ideas so finding one that does will be a Pain in the Neck.