A very wicked mutiny

A very wicked mutiny

Great content here. Nice little forum. Needs help (my confirmation email went STRAIGHT TO SPAM ON YAHOO - surprise, surprise)
Where's a decent WEB DEVELOPER and vBULLETIN ENGINEER when you need one? hehehe (sigh)
This should be a REAL SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM - like ANY of these 3:
- Joomla with the WILDLY-POWERFUL JomSocial extension
- Dolphin Social CMS from Boonex
- The BEAST - SSG (social site gen) (PROPRIETARY - first two are OS - Open Source)

I asked this one POLITELY a year ago, and immediately thought of my good friend Ian Anderson, of Jethro Tull.

From TAAB - Thick As A Brick

"My word's but a whisper, your DEAFNESS A SHOUT! BOMP!"
(they ALWAYS finish a BIG MEME with a BANG on a drum or organ - organs are really PERCUSSION in disguise)

WHY is the GRAZIOSI ORG SO TONE DEAF when it comes to the Internet? I asked about listbuilding, and about affiliate programs, and about TWENTY OTHER TECHNOLOGIES I saw (as they say in that GREAT REAL ESTATE BONANZA, Alaska) GONE MISSING!!

I got blank stares, and little else.

So, with DG rolling back into Puget Sound (my current and temporary base of ops PHYSICALLY - I operate in 180 countries worldwide), I thought I'd wander in here and ASK POLITELY ONE MORE TIME.

Why does Dean have 5k followers on Twitter whilst I have 5 MILLION? (which will be 100 million by year-end and one BILLION by the end of 2014) - I bet all that MAYHEM most suffer in the equities and currency trading markets just *MIGHT* be ameliorated by a BILLION FOLLOWERS and its ability to influence GLOBAL TRENDING HASHTAGS - ya think? uh huh - nary a marketer on PLANET EARTH knows much about the HORNBIRD (as in Lord of the Rings) which is WHAT TWITTER REALLY IS - one powerful beastie...

Is that different enough to avoid the OTS? (Off Topic SWORD - of Damocles) lol

Steve aka Pawmarks aka Lorenzo Ralph George Medici (Long Range Guided Missile) (the WICKED renaissance man)
