I have included some of the most common questions that I get on Legal Descriptions as it relates to the abbreviations that you will find in the county description.
I have included a document that will go over the most common ones.
Legal Description The property listed in this publication is categorized as: (1) acreage, (2) improvements only, and (3) subdivided lots. Legal descriptions which describe acreage have several components. The first part describes where the parcel is located. Example: N1/2 SW1/4 SE1/4 means the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter. The second part notes the section, township, and range, respectively, where the parcel is located. Example: 8 7N 16W means Section 8 of Township 7 North Range 16 West. The last part of the legal description is the parcel number or the number assigned to the property by the county assessor. If the parcel number is not available or does not exist a "N/A" is noted. The "code" which appears in this section refers to the page and line number where the entry is recorded in the Commissioner of State Lands office. The last number of the code refers to the original year of delinquency. Subdivided City Lots are also listed in this publication. The description of these lands is characterized by the lot and block number, the addition or subdivision, and city or town. The parcel and code number are the same as above. Improvements Only are improvements of buildings which have been assessed as real property, while the land on which they are located has been separately assessed for its value. They are usually described by their location on acreage or subdivided lots. The parcel and code number are the same as above. If a property address is listed in a parcel description, it is for informational purposes only. It is not a part of the legal description and, therefore, should not be relied on to determine the location of the parcel.
I have included some of the most common questions that I get on Legal Descriptions as it relates to the abbreviations that you will find in the county description.
I have included a document that will go over the most common ones.
Legal Description The property listed in this publication is categorized as: (1) acreage, (2) improvements only, and (3) subdivided lots. Legal descriptions which describe acreage have several components. The first part describes where the parcel is located. Example: N1/2 SW1/4 SE1/4 means the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter. The second part notes the section, township, and range, respectively, where the parcel is located. Example: 8 7N 16W means Section 8 of Township 7 North Range 16 West. The last part of the legal description is the parcel number or the number assigned to the property by the county assessor. If the parcel number is not available or does not exist a "N/A" is noted. The "code" which appears in this section refers to the page and line number where the entry is recorded in the Commissioner of State Lands office. The last number of the code refers to the original year of delinquency. Subdivided City Lots are also listed in this publication. The description of these lands is characterized by the lot and block number, the addition or subdivision, and city or town. The parcel and code number are the same as above. Improvements Only are improvements of buildings which have been assessed as real property, while the land on which they are located has been separately assessed for its value. They are usually described by their location on acreage or subdivided lots. The parcel and code number are the same as above. If a property address is listed in a parcel description, it is for informational purposes only. It is not a part of the legal description and, therefore, should not be relied on to determine the location of the parcel.