Divide and Profit

Divide and Profit

If you are looking at a multi plex that has two different buildings of units beign sold together, you might consder the following options:

If the buildings have separate parcel numbers, you might be able to easily sell one or both of the properties each on their own for a profit. Basically, you are going to buy by the quart and sell by the pint. It is a great way to make some great money quickly on a larger property. Obviously, the technique works best when you have a list of qualified buyers ready to go.

If the buildings do not have separate parcel numbers, you might consider loooking into what it would take to divide the parcels up in that respective county. In some cases, it is a long drawn out process, where as in other areas it is a pain free option.

Another option would be to sell it to another investor based on the "perceived value". Basically, you are selling the idea of what the proeprty could be sold for or how much profit potential it has to offer if the parcels where divided and sold separately.

There are a lot of options. You can even use transaction funding on a deal like this if you have an exit contract in place. It is a great way to make money on the spread.


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