My Journey Begines as a Real Estate Investor...

My Journey Begines as a Real Estate Investor...

Hi everyone, so im the new guy, i was actually put on this site/real estate investment by my neighbor which is also a member of this amazing site/group ( All About rolexj ) . His motivation and inspiration that he got from Deans book/training program has also motivated me to go for this.

All About rolexj has lend me the book "Be a real estate millionar" and am currently on chapter 4, the information is amazing as im a complete noob and didnt know anything about %'s ,real estate cycles, and inflation until now.

Im currently in 2 jobs to pay for all my loans and bills and i also currently go to school at nights, i wish i could dedicate more time to real estate but i usually get 30min-1 hour a night.

Seeing how my friend (All About rolexj) has grown his motivation has spread to me and i will hopefully get the ropes of this and start learning and taking some actions, im tired of working 2 jobs and going to school!

Hope to get to know most of you guys and learn/contribute as much as i can.

so as my favorite quote goes... "up and onward to the never ending pursuit of knowledge".
