Terrified and excited!

Terrified and excited!

This is my first post. I recently purchased Your Town and Profit From Real Estate and have been sort of reading both at once! I skip back and forth depending on what I don't understand and want to see if I can find more info in the other book. In the process of doing that, I have read through most of the success stories and am impressed with the techniques and all people who seem to be making money with this! I hope to be in a book one day myself!

I plan to post in this journal regularly both for the insight from those who know better than me (not hard with regards to REI!) and to keep myself on track. I tend to lose interest if I don't stay on something constantly...yes, even when I know it is something I need to do (lose weight, stop smoking, etc.). Everything seems to fall apart all at once and I fall back into bad habits. I hope this venture will help me with that financially and spiritually. I need some good in my life and am willing to work for something that will get me to a more positive place.

Well, I really don't have any questions right now. There seems to be so much info on here all ready that I think I'll spend a lot of time looking around and soaking up the knowledge all of you have to offer! I'll bug you later...promise!

I don't know how to add to this journal other than to edit the original. Any other way... let me know!

I have been reading the two books... back and forth still! I am hoping to still get a copy of "The Edge"... had a call last week wanting to know if I wanted to purchase it but I didn't have the money. I have borrowed some and hustled up the rest to get this information. I really think that it will be worth the money if I can still get it. The man I talked to said it would still be available through them this week but HE IS A SALESMAN! I'm calling first thing in the morning to see. I was sick when I saw that they were sold out on here and hope that there are truly more copies available. I just really think it would be helpful for me to watch these techniques so I can see how it all really works. I'm getting an idea but want as much information as possible. At heart, I'm a hands-on learner and know that I'm just going to have to do it in order to learn what's best for me but I'm still nervous!


"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important thing I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life, because almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."
-Steve Jobs