whynotme journal - Investment club meeting

whynotme journal - Investment club meeting

Continuing on my journey....I took the next step to get out of my comfort zone and go meet people at an investment club meeting. Drove in rain/snow (ya snow in So Cal in April!!) and 55 mph winds but made it there! I learned a TON of info. First talk to the coordinator first and find out how they're meetings are run. Do they have regular investors attend. My meeting didn't give me what I "wanted" but I learned so much more becuase of that! Some great tips from a few people, some leads on mortgage brokers and hard money lenders...most everyone that was there were brand new investors. But it felt good to hear..."I'm a new investor, read a book I ordered online or on a late night show" (sound familiar!!??)LOL! So I didn't feel like some late night infomercial addict...I'm just like a lot of us:) Serious about change and praying that what I just ordered will shed some light in that direction! The most important thing I learned is to be careful what kinds of meetings you attend. This one had a speaker that toted the fact that she now loves to give back to her fellow investors and mentor them at no charge....well..no. She gave a very confusing brief explination of how to sell a million dollar home and then passed out an info sheet for anyone wanting to be mentored. We filled it out and then today rec'd a call with "mentoring classes" offered at xxx$$$$$$. Not the kind of mentoring I'm looking for! I've got that with the DG family right now! Still....it was a great learning experience, and I hope that it helps someone else to do a bit more homework before you attend. I had to just get out and make a meeting or else I would find more excuses not to go (I've been "planning" on attending just the right one for 6 weeks!) and I gained SO MUCH confidence from this one little meeting! I hope this helps anyone who's sitting on the fence about attending a re investment club meeting. Just go. You'll be SO GLAD you did!
Best to you ALL


Christine and Mike