New Member and Student

New Member and Student

Hello everyone,

I am new to Real Estate and have always known in the back of my mind that Real Estate is the way to go. At one point I did consider becoming an agent however I work in the medical field and now have a family with 2 young boys (7 and 5) and 4 dogs. I also am in Dog Rescue so 3 of them are my own and one is a "foster" (no really she is mine too).

Anyway, this morning I hit my 2nd week of being in the program and I finished the Profit from Real Estate Right Now book. It got to the point where I didn't want to put it down. I feel like I have had a good start however I am running into many people who are not being too supportive. My husband continues to be the pessimist thinking everyone wants our money.... his business is in a lull and we haven't had our main paycheck since the beginning of February so things are a little rough financially right now.

I have been trying to locate an agent to work with. I sent out about 10 emails to people and did get 2 responses back in which they are still skeptical. However the one agent I have been working with as me being a buyer for the last year - (dabbling in investing personally) realy threw me off this afternoon. I thought he would be in my corner 100% and that was not the case at all when I tried to explain what I was trying to do.....
I was quite upset.

Anyway need to go register my youngest child for Kindergarten now. Hope to stay in touch with anyone because I would love to get any assistance since I have been knocked down a few notches.
