Qualifing a Real Estate Agent to Work With

Qualifing a Real Estate Agent to Work With

What's Up Dean's World?
Keep in mind that as you are looking to find real agents, only about 5% of active agents have much experience at all working with investors. So finding the right agent will be crucial. Here are a few questions that you can ask agents to qualify them as someone who works with agents.

- Do you work with investors?
- If they do, then ask them to tell you about a few deals that they have helped investors to close. We ask this because we want to find out if they have actually done deals with investors or if they are just saying they have. If they tell you that they can't share that information about other clients with you, then tell them again that you aren't asking for personal information about any of their clients, but you asking about strategies that they have implemented. If they are still not willing to share any information with you about strategies, they HAVEN'T worked with investors and we need to keep looking for another agent.

- Do you invest in real estate YOURSELF?
- If they do, then again ask them to tell you about some of the deals that they have done. Any legitimate investor loves to talk / brag about deals that they have done and made money on. This is a great way to get the agent to prove to us that they actually have invested in real estate. Again, if they don't give you details on deals that they have done, then they are blowing smoke again and it's time to go and find another agent to work with.

Keep these 2 questions in your "ammo belt" when you are talking to agents and it will help you to find a good qualified "investor friendly" agent to work with.

Happy Investing
