How To Stay Positive?

How To Stay Positive?

I was recently asked the following question about how to stay positive in a rough situation and I thought I’d post the answer here as I’m sure there are others going through the exact same thing.
The question was,
"I am doing everything I can to remain positive but it seems like my personal life is becoming harder and harder every day. I know it's important to focus on the positive and not the negative so what should I do to keep thinking positive thoughts?”
• Even if it seems everything is going wrong, there are things that are going right. Every day, write down all the things you are grateful for having happened to you today. Be descriptive of each item. Feel the joy those things bring you. Even if it's something really small like your car started this morning. Be grateful for it. This will help you to stay focused on the positive.
• Sometimes events that initially look bad turn out to be really good things in the end. I can't remember the saying but it was something like every black cloud has a silver lining. Here's an example, maybe you need to look for a new job because your company is downsizing. If you look for the silver lining in that, you can see that it's making you leave a job you didn't like that much anyway. You can now find that job that you really want to do or pursue a lifelong dream or even just take some time off to enjoy life before going back to find another job. By looking for the silver lining then bad things can actually become really good things.
Here’s a quote I really like about not letting yourself get discouraged.
• "Discouragement is a negative emotion with more than one trick up its dark sleeve. It tricks you into mentally or emotionally dwelling in the very place you want to leave. Drop all such sorrow permanently by daring to see through this deception of the unconscious mind. You have a destination far beyond where you find yourself standing today" - Guy Finley
• Keep this in mind as you continue to take steps towards your goals. You do have a destination far beyond where you are today.


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