Desperate business owner caught in 2 more years building rent at an excellent location

Desperate business owner caught in 2 more years building rent at an excellent location

Hello everyone,

I'm a new investor and have been actively searching for properties. I spoke to this business owner who desperately sells her business because they can't afford to continue to pay the building rent for $3700, she still has 2 more years left. The location is perpect, it's at the shopping area at the corner of an intersection. I spoke to her and her daughter who were at the store still operating. The owner told me that one of the reasons is also she is having a home loan plus the rent of building. I spoke to her agent and now the agent has been calling me back.

Is there anyone interested to or know any buyers that would like to take over the business I can work with? and we can split the income if closed?

I plan to ask the owner about her house too if she is having difficulties with the loan.

Any comments and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much.

