Hello everyone,

This is my first post. I am a newbie and have no deals under my belt yet. But I am using Dean's academy (love my mentor!) and soaking up as much information as I can. But I wanted to share with you a little milestone for me. I have had a bunch of fear and anxiety lately. Keeping me from moving ahead.

Like most of you I have heard Dean and Matt talk about the 25:1 system, and have listened. It has been hard for me to find buyers, sellers, and agents. I was having a hard time talking to people. But I wrote up a letter similar to Matt's to find an agent. I faxed it last night to 36 area keller williams and remaxes. This morning I had a voicemail from a keller williams agent!! Laughing out loud I took a few minutes to get myself together and go over what I would be asking him. It was easy!

He was very personable. He himself is new to being an agent. Just three years under his belt. But the interview went well. He was professional. He had nothing negative to say when I told him what my plan for investing was. He was very interested. He has only worked with a couple of investors before, but not in the capacity of doin deals like Dean. He says he wants to broaden his horizons. I told him we would be doing a lot of work finding lots of deals and putting in lots of low ball offers. He is ok with that. He never sounded skeptical and always sounded accecpting. He will be pulling up listings for me of "on market >90days" homes.

Does anyone see any reason I shouldnt work with him? It seemed perfect to me. He wants to work with an investor and did not try to talk me out of anything or talk me into anything different. He even told me of a home he found recently in Southlake tx, by fort worth, (a really nice community) that was being walked away from. He said it is a million dollar house and may be going for at least $200,000 below fmv. Now I dont know if I'll be getting into that deal or not, but at least his brain is already in gear!!

Anyway, thanks for listening! This was a huge milestone for me, although it may not seem that big a deal. I'm a newbie and everystep is a big one! I would love feed back and encouragement.

And any investors that have interest in the dfw area I wouldnt mind networking with for future business.

Have a good day!!

