Importang things to watch for when purchasing a property.

Importang things to watch for when purchasing a property.

For most people, a home is one of the most valuable assets they'll ever own. Unfortunately, there are some major perils that can befall a house and put a serious dent in the value of that asset. Many of these perils are much more insidious than a fire or natural disaster. Read on to learn about some of the most expensive damage that can occur in your home, how much it costs and how to avoid it.
If you have bowed basement walls, cracks in walls or floors or a tilting chimney, you may be aware that these are signs of a problem foundation. But many people don't realize that difficulty opening and closing doors and windows can also be early signs that your home is shifting. And whether you have a new home or an old one, foundation problems often require major repairs -- and a big cash outlay. According to the Concrete Network, a consumer website devoted to concrete services, foundation problems can be caused by the type of soil the house is built on, an improperly laid foundation or drainage problems. Whatever the cause, a bad foundation is bad news and, depending on the severity of the problem, can cost the homeowner well over $10,000.
How to prevent it: Assuming your home was properly built, the most you can do to prevent problems in your foundation is to ensure that your home has proper drainage. This means that gutters and eaves troughs should be kept clear and in good repair, and your yard should be properly graded to ensure that water runs away from your house.
