
All About scott2

scott2's picture
Kent Auburn Valley Washington State
About Me: 

Well I was asked to fill this out by one great lady that I have met on this here DG web site, I wont tell you her name but she knows who she is ,and frist and formost I must say thank you so very much to her and also some outher very great people here to, with out you and them.Well anyway you know what i meen ! and if we all ever meet you all got one big huge comeing from me for sure.ok well this is were i'm to tell something about me.So here go's.I was raised in seattle washington my dad and mom were both boeing white collar workers dad was kent airo space buyer saller of eletronics for for boeing airo space mom was top sacurty analass secutary she work on the roll out of the 707,737 and many i came from great parents.with a good up bringing we had a new house in an area south of seattle a town called renton, i went to a new High I guess you could say I was brought up right, but i guess like a lot of kidds from my age group i got in some troble here and there while in high school and mom and dad split up when i was about 13 ,I droped out of high school in 12th grade i joined the US Navy sea bees was an heavy Eq. operator. for 4 years then went active fleet as mech.mate working with the helacoptor flight crew on board an amun. oiler in the purshion gulf 7th fleet.when I got out of the Navy in the 80's i had many go no were job's,till one day i met a guy at an AA meeting and he told me were I needed to be so he took me down to the shipyards at the water front of seattle.and he changed my life from that day for many years to come.I worked as a jurney level 3 mech for 8 years, built 4 race cars 2 drag and 2 circle track cars, had many years of fun doing that.even while doing that i had my own business doing car detailing. and a few years went by and i got out of ship repair and cars and opened a business painting homes for awhile then went on to doing some roofing sideing and remoding.then went back to the car field and painted cars for 3 years.then got away from that and went to installing new engines in cars trucks boats for 6 years,and all this took up just over 20 years and I mannage to buy my frist home and then things started to go bad for income was to little and i run into a freind i went to high school with and i told him what i had been doing for the last 20 some years and he said he could help me out to a new line of work witch iv'e been doing ever sence. he got me into owner/ operator of my frist semi truck and i have had my own business now for 5 years in trucking but as you can see i have worked pretty hard all my life, and i just haven't found what was really right for ME un till now and for so many years iv'e wanted to get into realEstate and THEN a few weeks ago I was up real late watching TV and saw dean's idea and now the rest is yet to be told......... Smiling

race cars, golfing, skiing,boating,and just fixing anything I can get my hands on

Topics I've Participated In

LLC Benefits FDrake4128 years 19 weeks ago
The New Website! cbrpower2411 years 50 weeks ago
Question on getting finders fee kvictor817312 years 43 weeks ago
6 Ways To Get Motivated Sellers To Call You sully2313 years 14 weeks ago
The 4 Stages of Growth On The Path To A Million Anitarny3614 years 8 weeks ago

Basic Info

Truck driver
No Children
Some College



sully's picture

what do you mean "use your VA loan", you have a VA loan right now? or you can get one?

assignment contract

sully's picture

yup, i have several assignment contracts, however i have no idea how to post on the inernet, SULLY

va loan

scott2's picture

yes i can get one up 2 171000

oh, ok

sully's picture

so, what was your question? i'm sorry i froget, Shocked

va loan

scott2's picture

ok here it is agine this web site is acting up bad or something but this is the 3 rd time i had to type this 2 u i used my va 4 years ago then sold home 2 years ago for a porfit anyway i talked with my broker he said im good to go agine with va but not as invester but i could rent it,but i was wondering if i could partner up with someone useing my va 2 get things going or just do assignments or try n go convenal n can i bye more them 1 home useing va

well why don't....

sully's picture

you just get a conventional loan instead?, that would take care of the whole investor thing. I mean, you still can start doing ASSIGNMENTS, not trying to steer you clear of that, but what do you mean when you say "partner up with somebody using your VA to get things going?", YOU HERO, SULLY.

it was

scott2's picture

well it was just a thought i didnt think it though really theres proably no way help anyone but me

hey sully

scott2's picture

hay sully you there i got a Q for ya's