I have been interested in Real Estate investing for at least 10 years now. Dean is the only one who got me off my rear end and start doing something to make that happen. However, I am surrounded by traditionists, "you have to fix your credit before you can buy anything" and they have managed to put me back into a submission state, that is submitting to my circumstances. I don't want to let my dream go, so I secretly believe that I can somehow make this happen. My credit situation is overwhelming and I don't know where to start. However, I do know it will take me more time to fix it than I'm willing to wait to start my investing career. So, here I am on this site looking for encouraging words. Anyway, I'm a single mom of three, two teens still at home, sadly, not for much longer though. I want to make them proud of me and show a good example instead of the constant struggle they have experienced all their lives. Wish me luck ! Time for CHANGE!!!