greg murphy
All About greg murphy
Topics I've Participated In
Title | Poster | Replies | Updated |
Don't Get Greedy! Or Else! By Matt Larson | cbrpower | 66 | 12 years 47 weeks ago |
FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here | dgadmin | 2950 | 13 years 46 weeks ago |
Sold our first deal EXACTLY 1 MONTH after buying it! | dominoafekt | 32 | 14 years 12 weeks ago |
My Aha moment! | Elena M | 23 | 14 years 22 weeks ago |
Let's help out a fellow DG family member | dgmod | 29 | 14 years 29 weeks ago |
Basic Info
Sites I Visit
Hurting in L.A.
Greetings Greg,
My name is Lily and wanted to say Thank you for the insert in Deans new book, I did follow your steps thus far and printed some fliers like you did. Yesterday I started to post them up at the nearby starbucks. Havent gotten calls yet but am anxious to build up on Lease Options. I hope you will write back to me sometime, so that I can pick your brain a lil.
Lily frm LA
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Hi Greg...
I'm brand new to this and I read your stories in Dean's book and other materials. I believe my story is similar to yours in that I have no money and desperately need a way to get some to get started in this. Any suggestions? I'm up in New York State about 30 miles outside of New York City. There are many, many properties up for sale by owner around here. 6 or 7 just within a couple miles of my apartment. I walk by them every day during my daily walks. What would be the first thing to do? Thanks for listening and best of luck to you with your investing....Keith
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Hi Greg,
just wanted to say welcome to a life changing event! I would start by building a buyers list. signing up with real estate clubs. Placing investor's ads in stores. Getting business cards so when you approach a seller you can leave them with contact info. I am focusing on doing assignment offers in chapter 8 of the book. This will help gain some capitol without having to use your own funds. Much success..............Lubertha
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Lease Option Strategy
I want to copy your strategy for lease options. My credit is in the crapper... I can identify with where you were when before you got Dean's course. So I KNOW that I can accomplish my dreams if I just had a little direction from the "Lease Option King"
I understand that once I find a motivated seller with mortgage payments that can compete with the local rent in the area that I will do a "debt takeover" and tie up the property with a lease option contract.
I will have my buyers list complete before this step making it very easy to re-lease the property to my end buyer that same day if I want to. Then I will cash flow on the property till we can get my end buyer financed.
What I need help with is understanding the legal part of using a deed to secure the rights to sell the property to my end buyer.
Do some bank mortgages have a term that don't allow this strategy?
Do I only need a quitclaim deed and a lease option contract between me and the seller?
Can I use a contract deed between me and the seller and then just use a lease option contract between me and the end buyer to simplify the process?
Would you be willing to email me copies of all the contracts and forms that you use?
I know that I can do this. I have overcome all the obstacles in myself and am willing to make as many mistakes as I need to get it right.
All I need is some step by step directions to follow. I am asking for the "recipe" if you have it written.
If you don't have it written can you please write it or mentor me a little?
With a little help I will be off an rolling.
Here is my email:
[email protected]
Please Help!!!
Thank you so much.
Your story gave me the confidence that I could do it to so thank you for being so candid...
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Option contract
HI Greg, Like others, your option contract sound like a great move to owner ship on investment property. Where can we get a step by step under standing on your contract and possible look at a standard contract outline with a little more detail. I read your story in the profit from real estate book and could not help buy to book mark your pages. Thanks Ed
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Re: Syructuring dealsQuestions
Greetings to all I'm new family member
and Happy New Year to Dean and DG Family!
Greg, you mention that you offer a discount to your customers if they will
provide sweat equity. My question is do you give them a specific list of items to be repaired and have them in contract. As you know this will add to the value equity of the home maximizing your profit potential.
Also, do you give them a time limit on repair and personally check the improvements. I like the way you structure your deals, I plan on doing the same since cash is non existent and my credit is as ragged as a junyard
dog with a chain around his neck.
Thanks for all your sharing with us.
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Chapter 4 of YTYREP.....
How are you doing?.... I hope you are in good health!!
I just wanted to stop by your profile to leave you a short message saying THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! for everything you are sharing in Dean's new book. I can't wait to get our of work today and get home to show my wife this chapter....
Thank you again, I don't think I can thank you enough!!
Alex Rubio from Houston
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Question-Lease Option purchases
First of are the man..boy you have helped a tremondous amount of people, Greg. Many of us thank God for you, yeap! Anyway, Im in California where theres an abundance of upside down props. Greg, how would YOU go about finding prop.s that arent in the red like that to take over for LEASE OPTIONs...?
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Greg ... a.k.a. "The No Money Down King"!
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Nice to meet you
Hello Greg Murphy! It's an honor and a pleasure to be writing you on your blog. Your story is known all over and I want to say you inspire me to make it happen in real estate. Keep up the awesome work and I look forward to hearing more and applying the knowledge that you and so many others share with us. Thank you so much Greg! Hope to meet you soon
This is ya friend young Money sayin....
Love and Live Life
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my message to you yesterday
I,m sorry for "picking" on you yesterday, asking if anyone would join my in a deal. I'm brand new at this and had just found out that Totalview's estimated value of this foreclosure that I'm actually going to look at this Friday is almost $60,000 more than the asking price. I got so excited that I jumped the gun. I've been on this site since first got Dean's books and your name has been all over everything. congratulations for that. Your name was the first one that popped into my head. I know I need to do more research, I just got carried away. I'll try to control myself in the future and hope to talk to you soon with updates on this, possibly my first deal. Thanks for all your input and inspiration and best of luck in your future deals. Not like you need it, but good luck. johnnym66
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Your someone who everyone Can Relate to.
Hello Greg:
I know by now you have probably heard it a million times, but your chapter was my favorite. After reading it, you have this way of making everyone believe it's possible. A really important thing to me, was the fact that you put it in away that made it about helping people. That this wasn't just finding a way to make money, you also were enriching your life by enriching others, and helping people out of bad situations. PERFECTION!! And great motitation.
I'm here in Owensboro Ky, where I have been trying to make it happen like you. Some how it seems alittle harder, but will never give up until I get there.
Just like all the rest, I would love the opportunity to just find out a few pointers. We don't have a rei club in our town. Trying to find anyone in the DG family near to network with, someone to maybe team up with. Our towm is growing fast, rebuilding the river front for visitors and building a new Hospital. Lots of potential for investors here.
Well with that said, I just want to say THANK YOU for your way of connecting with so many of us.
Continued success to you
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Hi Greg...
Well to be honest, I saw you on TV and that's why I got Dean's books, joined the success academy, and the whole nine yards! I'm in Starkville, MS not too far from you. Congrats on the success you've had in Real Estate. I'm hoping to get my first deal done sometime soon. Maybe we could work on some deals together since I'm not too far away from you. Starkville is booming...
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hi greg ! i really enjoyed your presentation at the edge 10 and use your system now more than anything.thank you for spelling it out and making it so easy to learn from you.i believe this system is the best strategy in this economy now !!i too keep watching your empowering conv over and over .thanks again for sharing your knowledge and experience !!
awesome to see your hard work paying off .
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Very Inspirational
I've been investing for a while and really enjoy your REAL approach to life and REI. You are an inspiration to me and I'm sure many who know your story.
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Greg, so many people have related to you when you started investing, myself included. I listen and read over and over the chapter of your story in the Your Town Book. I am just starting out and live in California. Haven't done my first deal yet, taking some time getting started, but aim to start in January. Wish me Luck,
Thank You,
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Hey Greg I have shaken the trees! PLEASE HELP!
Greg, hi how are u? Greg I have been following Dean and the other investors for awhile now, I know U are the Lease Option King. Well, I have buyers coming in from my ads but no house and I don't want to keep them waiting or worst loose them. My ad for "I Buy Homes" haven't generated any leads yet. What can I do to get these homes for these hungry buyers? I want my first deal or even first few deals to go through. I FEEL IT, I'M RIGHT THERE. Please Help. Thanks. Be blessed. Mr. Godfrey
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Hello my nmae is Jose Guzman
Hello my nmae is Jose Guzman and I am really needing some help as soon as possible or I think I will lose out on good deal. I am in Houston,TX and I have potential earnings on a comercial property. Here is the scinorio, a good friend of mine is a club owner and wants to sell the property. I have found a buyer that is very interested and is already on a trial basis working in the club to see how the business works and well its almost a done deal that the buyer will buy. My friend, the owner of the club had already promised me a 4-5% on the sale if it goes through. I want it to be legal but I dont know how to go about it if real estate agents are involved. As far as I know there are no real estate agents involved at this time. I was wondering if I can use an assignment contract and if so how should I handle this? My finders fee would be devided into me and another person which we found the deal for my friend. Any advise would be greatly appriciated. Thank You
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Hi I'm Candace Just stopping by to say Hello ! , I'm looking for Cash Buyers I have Properties but No Buyers .
Heres my Website :
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Lease option formula
Hi Greg,
I'm interested in doing lease options and have heard that you are the KING when it comes to doing them:)! I don't have a copy of the book "Your Town Your Real Estate Profits" yet, so I haven't been able to read chapter 4. However, I was wondering if you have a certain formula that you use when you evaluate a property before making an offer? I'm sure you get tons of requests for help on a daily basis, so if your not able to respond I understand.
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Absolutely awesome!!
All I can say is WOW!! I loved your call with Dean recently. (March 24th) It was so awesome hearing you talk about how you did it and everything. I want to hear more!
I am dying to get it off the ground as you did. (and many others here).
I actually recorded your call and played it for friends (as I did with a couple of other calls too)
I'm not sure if I will be in Phoenix for the event and I really wanted to meet you.
I am thrilled with the results you had and I know you are well on your way!
Thanks for sharing your success! WOW!
Michael B