I am a bookkeeper in a law firm where I have worked for 25 years. I have also obtained my Real Estate Broker's License and worked briefly with Century 21 and handled two transactions. Due to my work schedule at the law firm, I could not devote the time they desired of their agents. Also, I didn't really care for that side of the business. I prefer the investment side of Real Estate. I have some financial obstacles to overcome and know that it is entirely possible and probable to succeed in this business in spite of those obstacles. I am currently looking for some private lenders who will give me the opportunity to create win/win situations and recognize that I am so much more than my credit score. I have an excellent reputation and work ethic and believe I have come up with some great financing ideas that could give investors a significant ROI and feel very secure in the process. Excited to see what the future holds.
Congratulations for being part of the DG website community. The website is packed with great information and inspiration. I just wanted to stop by your guestbook and wish you good luck with real estate investing. Each day continue to increase your knowledge with real estate and before long good things will happen. Go for it, you can do it! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe