
All About sneely5101

Durham, NC
About Me: 

I am 4 yrs. out from retirement
Would like to get started in Real Estate Investing make money and live my dream.
Traveling and doing Outreach Ministry (helping Others) I need the money to do it, but first I need to help myself.

I want to travel and do ministry and mission work

Topics I've Participated In

Glossary of Real Estate Terms Rina21510 years 30 weeks ago

Basic Info

Medical Support Assistant
Have Child(ren)
Completed High School
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi Sandra.

Rina's picture


God bless you in your outreach ministry! There are a lot of us in here with the same heart. It might not come across so much in my posts, but I've spent most of my life in some sort of ministry or another, along with my family. I'm so thrilled to see so many joining the site with these goals. I know God can use this venue to make a difference in people's lives! Really glad to have you here.


Mentor program

Mossyoak's picture

I feel your pain on what you paid for a mentor. I went to a $1,600
Rei seminar about 10 years ago. What I saw was a ding, ding cash register ring as they were up selling their various mentor programs. I met someone at the seminar who said to me, Jimmy I know what you can do for me, What can I do for you. We wound up doing several deals together. Maybe you could meet a seasoned investor in your local area that you could become their shadow. Good luck on your investments.
The path of least resistance is what makes rivers run crooked.