Dang Chanroun

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Hi, I live in the Northern California (Stockton and Sacramento) areas. If theres any Investors from anywhere interested in these area and would like to guide me thru my first steps to earn enough fund from finders fees. I am very motivated and willing to do whatever steps it takes to get started.

Maybe you might have some suggestions or pointers for me as a new student to get started in the right directions.


Welcome to the greatest business in the world!
Here is a link to countywides reo wib site
This will help you to see how many bank owned properties that they own. The site is updated daily so it is worth checking whenever you want.
I was in Neveda City in March and was looking in Sunday Sac. Bee R.E. Section and I found a lot of motivated sellers.
Start checking the paper and you may find more deals then you what to do.
I hope this helps for exploring.
Keep in touch.


NorthernCalifornian's picture

Thanks, I really appreciate the fast response. I will check out the site and learn how to utilize the tools youve suggested.
