
All About Yournameinvain

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Topics I've Participated In

I need some advice on assigning deals Yournameinvain2414 years 22 weeks ago
Actual Foreclosure Price Yournameinvain216 years 7 weeks ago
I got a question about mortgages/loans. Yournameinvain416 years 10 weeks ago

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Mainly Just This One


Get your foot in the door.

LilyfrmLA's picture

My advice to you is first go on find an investing club in your area. Then network with everyone who walks thru that door. If attendance is under 20 Pick another meeting. I did this in my area and met the best Realtor contact ever. She didnt even ask for my income. I found that being honest up front will get you hang-ups at first. But keep on trying and have faith in yourself. You will meet the right one, and truly that's all it takes is One. I have faith in you!
Best Regards