Joined: 2008-10-25
Points: 33

i am new to the arizona club i just started investing into real estate and wanted to meet with you all when the club has meetings want to start net working and just getting my feet wet.
Robert Escobedo
Is there a monthly meeting? If not would the first monday of every month work?
Looking for an aggressive realtor willing to implement dean's strategies.
Hi, I saw your post about getting together. I would like to do so if you would. You can email me at: tmsrlamb@**** or call my cell 760-382-5177. Thanks.
Ya ta heeh,
My name is Evangeline and I moved to Arizona 7 months ago. I am looking to network with investor/buyers/etc. I presently am working with a real estate agent assingment of contract deals and making offers. Working on building my buyers/investors list,and familiarizing myself with the Phoenix area. I would like to network and work with you. Thanks,
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looks like your post is as blank as mine. put in some questions about Iee contracts last night. I guess every one went to bed early.