Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #148 - This Negotiation Secret Gets You What You Want
September 18th, 2011 | posted by dgadmin
Whether you're talking to an agent, a seller a buyer or anyone, there is a secret to saying the right things and getting what you want. Interestingly enough, this one secret will also remove any fear you have ABOUT the conversation.
In this segment of the 'Weekly Wisdom' you'll discover what the secret to successful negotiating is and you can use it everywhere. From your real estate endeavors to your interpersonal relationships. So give it a listen and have a great week!
Whether you're talking to an agent, a seller a buyer or anyone, there is a secret to saying the right things and getting what you want. Interestingly enough, this one secret will also remove any fear you have ABOUT the conversation.
In this segment of the 'Weekly Wisdom' you'll discover what the secret to successful negotiating is and you can use it everywhere. From your real estate endeavors to your interpersonal relationships. So give it a listen and have a great week!
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Great Reminder
Hey Dean!
Another great reminder from your books!! This technique is also very usefull in negotiating price or "haggling". Sitting quietly even through silence and you'll find they will continue to haggle in your favor ...By themsleves!! LOL! Thanks Dean, talk to you soon.
Thanks Dean your right once again not to sound over religious , but our maker said he gave us two ears and one mouth and thats the best way to use them listen more and speak less. EDGAR
We Forget So Easy!!
Thanks Dean for remind us about something we might had on the back burner. I shouldn't have forgotten this, by being married I learned I must do a better job at this. Thanks again.
2 ears 1 mouth
Good message Dean. A good way for me to remember this is to focus on God gave me 2 ears and 1 mouth which means I should listen twice as much as I speak.
People definately know your interested in them when you listen and confirm there fears or concerns. Had a customer tell me today that I listen good as I remembered things she told me a couple of weeks ago.
The path to good rapport
“Seek first to understand, then to be understood”
My husband says this quote to me all the time, and it's taken awhile for it to go internal. It's such a natural thing to do the talking, especially if you're nervous or uncomfortable. But, following Dean's advice not only is great for really hearing the pearls of wisdom needed, but while you're "not talking" you can actually take a deep breathe and get present - be in the moment - which is so centering. That by the time it's your turn to speak, not only have you "heard" them, but I find that what I do have to say is more meaty because it comes from a place of processing what they said.
Great stuff Dean, thanks!
Listen before you speak
speak less listen more is good advice.
(huntington bch. ca.0
i know exactly what u mean in this blog dean lol once again powerful stuff! i luv it...
Thank You for the Blogs
I have never owned a home but always wanted to own my own, plus invest in property. I cried the day I came to one of your semi-seminars in my city, because I wasn't in the position to afford the three-day upcoming weekend seminar to move ahead. I knew from what I'd heard in that semi-seminar that this was the key I'd always been searching for. I believe in your program, even if I personally have not received results.
I am studying your program with the access I've been granted online. It is a lot to take in. Because of so much material, I wasn't sure where I should start.
I have deiced to start with the videos. Unfortunately, though, I only have 21 days to try your sites out. I'm one of the many long-termed unemployed. AND I don't intend on returning to a Just Above Broke lifestyle.
It is my goal to learn as much as I can and to apply it within the 21 day time frame. In this way I will begin taking steps towards earning enough to get to to your summit in Vegas. However, its going to take half of the 21 days, if not all of that, to get through the material offered on these sites.
What I am aiming at becoming is a virtual property dealer in the beginning. Once Ive earned enough attend your summit and move into investor status.
My Greatest joy will be the day I buy my very own home. Many of my friends have owned homes, but as a single mother I was never able to. Even after earning my Master Degree I'm still not able to own my own home. I know that once I get this under my feet I will succeed. I am a go getter. I see something that makes sense to me and feel that it works for me, I'm going after it with all my energy! This is why I'm learning your system.
I love your weekly blog/pep talks it reminds me to stay focused. I will succeed at this, I know that. Your statement today about picking up the phone and contacting someone was very encouraging to me. BUT the only thing is I'm not quite sure who to contact...I'll keep studying and maybe I'll run into this strategy.
Sorry I'm so long winded, but you said you wanted to know where I was and what I'm!
Thanks for being you Dean!
Thank you
thanks for the great information Dean. As always, you give good advice
Thank you for great video
Wow, that's really powerful.
We all have to follow that advice and the World is only gonna get better for everybody.
Yoga is amazing, isn't it. So many benefits to your mind, body and soul.
Thank you, Dean.
See ya next week.
getting fit
Thanks for the RE advice! A word of advice for your fitness goal, combine "CrossFit" with your yoga and you'll definitely be in the best shape of your life! (I was an all american in college and am a certified fitness trainer; just so you know its a valid recommendation )
Good Stuff
I feel the same I like to listen more than to talk.
My Dad looks smarter and smarter the older i get. LOL!
My father always taught me the same thing in a different way. He would say,
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."
Weekly Wisdom
As always, thanks Dean for you weekly tips.
Timely Advice
This particular video could not have come at a better time! Later today I'll be calling real estate agents in an attempt to find the right one to be a part of my team. Honestly, I was, and still am, feeling a little anxious about it, but this video has made me enthusiastic about doing it. I really ought to visit the site far more often and stay plugged into the community, because it's only when I don't do so that I lose excitement for taking the steps that will lead to success in real estate. Thanks for this blog!
Listen, is what my mom taught me so so many years ago, right now I am truly listening because you can glean and recieve any and all probs thru that, also get wht you need and react or act
Thanks Dean!
Yet again, you hit the nail on the head!!!!!
Great message Dean. MOST people want to talk about them selves. Let them share with you what they are going thru. The end of this video was sooo true. Some of the best sales people I have met use the 'parroting back' method. IT WORKS.
TY Coach!!!
Earl in MI
Weekly Wisdom #148
Hi Dean,
You are so right about the listening. I spoke to a Real Estate Agent. He was always asking me about drumming up business. Within the first few minutes, I knew he was the wrong person, so I stopped talking. He said he would get back to me in three weeks. That's when I knew he never would and he was the wrong person to talk to. I have received your books. Thanks. You said that I should watch the DVD before I read the books. I am looking for somewhere I could watch it because I have two DVD devices at home and they are not working at the moment. I'll keep searching until I do. Then I will read the books. The Weekly Wisdom nuggets really help us a lot more than you think.
Enjoy your day,
Listening is my forte
Great advice. I'm not a talker, but a listener. However too much of a good thing can turn into a bad thing. For me I definitely need to learn to talk more, and share more of myself. It's all about finding the right balance.
I totally hear what you are saying though, because most people feel they have to talk your ears off, and they never stop talking. It kinda puts me off.
is logich
The more you listen , the more you learn and that's what you need for usefull or professional reasons , specially because nobody knows everything . I post short simple universal self-improvement stuff on!/AdrianosFidi . I'm just an ambitious kid , but might help Respect
Great advice!!
That is the best advice I have had in a long time. We need to be reminded from time to time. Thanks Dean!!
That is why God gave us two ears and only one mouth
Well Dean it has happened, we purchased Rock Bottom on 1Aug11, and through the information that we learned in the program, we, on 16Sept11 we sold our first property, our own. We did a lease-option, got the money down that we asked for and got our full asking price. Of course there are many more roller coaster details, however, for now we thank you and all of you mentors for the great advice, Amen. Prayer, along with DG Wisdom, produced a miracle in our lives!!!
God Bless America!
Sandy and Nathan
Talking Too MUCH
You're right Dean we all tend to TALK TOO MUCH!
Great Technique!
Thank you Dean,
I needed that advice. I sometimes feel I talk too much when I need to be listening.
Re gards Listening
Dean: Great Blog:I like that statement: want to learn: I am a hands on person also.I learn better if I actually do the job. I have also read book by Dale Carnige, How to win friends,and influence people. good book. I am working on trying to listen more, instead of talking. Thanks again Carol In Texas
Listen and Follow with th rght questions
Hi Dean,
Thank you for the Monday message on listening and I agree sometimes we want to talk and not listen to what is being said. I will take this message to every conversation that I will have going forward. Thank you for your insight.
I love watching your blogs and always can't wait to get your email. Your enthusiasm and caring attitude to teach Real Estate motivates me. Listen, has always been one of my mottos. Thanks Dean.
Weekly Wisdom
That is one thing I have been Taught in many classes.
Through my Day Care,To the Monthly Company meetings.
I'm told by afew younger sets at work that is what I do good is listing.
But my biggest problem is still that frist Opening line
to those in afield that I'm not sure off?
But Dean You always Get me going again.
Thank you,
Theresa Mynard
I learned from a former boss how to listen. His instructions were tell people what they want to hear. Less talk and more action is better. Stick to the facts only and my opinion is this is very true in all encounters in life.
very good as usual
r whitley
How do I find buyers who are not working with some one else that is finding them properties???