I have found three different houses that all have been vancant for over 2 years or more. So I did my home work and checked the public records at the county tax office an found out the previous owners names and wrote them letters, only to have them sent back return to sender. After some more research I found out that these properties are bank owned but I cannot figure out how to find out which banks own them. Does anyone know any further steps I can take to find out which banks own them???
jmp00's blog
Finding a great real estate agent??? HELP
April 13th, 2012 | posted by jmp00Im in the process of trying to find a real eatate agent. And im using the technigue Matt Larson has taught many of us. Heres the problem, everytime i ask the agents for a list of all cash buyers in the area for the past 90 days they send me a list of properties purchased in cash not the actual names of the buyers. So my question is should they be sending me a list of names or do i need to do the research to find out who the buyers are after they send me the properties that were purchased in cash??? Any input would be appreciated thankyou.