Built my website and posted craigslist ads today. I am excited and scared. I am excited because I see the potential, but scared because this is uncharted territory for me.
danibanani's blog
Help in the East Bay
July 3rd, 2013 | posted by danibananiI have spent the last 3 days calling and emailing real estate agents. So far they seem eager to help yet I haven't heard back from them. I know now I need to post bandit signs and get down to the county clerks.
However that is where the problem lies. My car took a huge dive for the worst and stopped running. My neighbor who said she would help me by diving me to the store to get supplies is lagging. I live at the top of a hill, I have a 2 year old I have to take with me everywhere, and my doctor doesn't want me doing to much as far as walking or over exerting myself because I have been have a difficult pregnancy so far. To top it off my fiancé is stuck in the city because of the BART strike and needs to be at work. My funds are limited so taking cabs everywhere is out.
Taking the steps
July 1st, 2013 | posted by danibananiI finally took the step to call the real estate agents. I was so scare but it went really well. The agent seemed eager to work with me. I let her know I am newer to the area and just started to look into investing out here where I now live. Gave her my criteria and she gave me the average price range. She also asked if I had contractors and handymen in mind already. If not she had a list of ones her current investors work with. Can't wait for her email me.
I am still scared out my mind to do this. But I am now certain that my financial future is on the right track. I just have to push aside the fear and keep going for it.
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Taking the steps
July 1st, 2013 | posted by danibananiSo after a month of staring at the list of phone #'s for real estate offices I just go off the phone with the firs real estate agent. I was super scared and it was a little rocky. However not knowing the area too well worked to my benefit. I let her know I was newer to the bay area and that I am interested in investing and would like to know what areas are hot for investors. She gave me a few good areas and seemed eager to help. Even let me know the average price range for the types of properties I am looking for. She let me know where the competition is the highest for cash buyers too. I was impressed.
Not the day.
June 12th, 2013 | posted by danibananiThis morning was not the morning for me. First my car decided it wanted an early morning nap on my way back from dropping my 8yr. old off at school, then my landlord sent me a text saying my rent check bounced.
Deep breathe. Although at first I decided that today was just horrible, I realized this is a sign I truly need to utilize Dean's program. I need to do it no fear.
The thing is though as I sat in my kitchen after receiving the text from my landlord, I remembered what my Aunt Esther had told me some years ago right after my first son was born. She said I would always be poor and struggling, that it was just my mind set I was never going to have any financial stability.
daily blog #2
June 11th, 2013 | posted by danibananiUnfortunately I have to go to my "job" today so I won't be ablebto get as much done from the book as I would like to today but I am still going to get one thing done task done aside from this blog. Have a good one everybody.
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