atepro's blog

Potential Investor

A 40 yr old retiree who saw my bandit signs wants to help the cause. Meeting with him today. Going to show him deals. He wants to help the community by giving back since he was so fortunate. What DG is all about!! Going to emphasise that by being the facilitator so that the main st. investor is streamlined into main st. INVESTORS. The sheer bulk of people. The middle class masses have. This will turn the economy around.

And I have my business plan.

What to do

Bandit signs still bringing in buyers. Finding better property. Instead of giving out a lot of info. I piece out one property at a time and only if it is an reo. More conversation that way.

Broker Phone Calls

Monday 5:07
June 12

On the phone all day and e-mailing contacts. Leaving Connecticut Sad in search of investment properties elsewhere. Brokers, agent, and the like so much hungrier outside of CT. A few minutes I achieved with each agent equaled a week with the agents around my side of town. Heard you shouldn't live where you invest but there is this nice multi-family oceanside with a vacancy. Maybe for the summer? Better views and leave the day in day out tish behind. I wouldn't mind.


How to win even when you lose a lawsuit
1. 0% of your assets
2. $0 of your income
3. 77-137 tax law of U.S. They get tax bill of law suit they never won.

This is done by a proper defense:

Limitted Partnership gives you above Lawsuit protection

Living trust keeps your will out of probate

'C' Corporation keeps your assets out of your name and get lower taxes, deductions.

Real Estate Trader vs.Investor

Went to class for past 3 days. My brain is just coming out of its intellectual fog to report some nuggets that will create a great defense is the game of keeping your money. Will report more later but the two biggies are being a Real Estate trader instead of an investor. What's in a name? A lot. The IRS looks at an investor as a hobby and gives the breaks to the trader.

When you become a business you want to become a 'c' corporation. You can start as a 's' corp. but once you become profitable you want to be a 'c' corp. This is just a form to fill out. Make sure the key words like "medical expenses" amoung other are written into the form so you can take the deduction.

Technical Difficulties

Cell Phone just won't turn on. Of course all my buyers are in the phone. Have copy of e-mail addresses. But not phone. Thank God for majic jack.

Goals for today: 1. figure out how to retrieve voice mail from cell phone.

2. Fix phone

3. Contact buyers via e-mail and give them all business #, which I should have done from beginning.

4. Learn $5 million lesson.

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