ssnee's blog

edge event

I have to make it to the edge event one day just figured i would add this to my list of things to do. I cant imagine what a blessing all that info would be!!

My pursuit of happiness

The ball is moving and I'm thankfull for that but I want to be more and be doing more. I do have some prospects lined up and actually have meetings set up. I am set to meet 2 people this week. Neither deal could make me much money Both very inexpensive houses. But I am trying to see things in a new light and find the good in everything. I am very nervous about meeting them but I figure it like this. I am not perfect and I'm not trying to be I wil be professional and I will use these first couple meetings as practice and who knows I may be able to make a quick $1000 not much but if I had that to put into a advertising budjet I could kill it this year. I don't need to be Rich to be happy I just want More financial freedom.

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