Day 7 - Buyers and Realtors

I received a voice message from another agent I left a message with last week. Unfortunately, her mailbox is full so I'm unable to get hold of her. I'll try again later.

I have just finished ordering business cards. They'll take a few days to arrive. I am contemplating sending out the introductory letters to recent buyers without the cards, as it'll be a while before they arrive. I live in a rural area. There isn't anywhere I can get some printed locally so I think this may be the best way to go. I don't want to lose momentum.

I am at a point where I am building a database of buyers online. I will go through the recommended videos and hints on how to do this. I placed an ad on Backpage yesterday before I stopped for the day. I'll also add an ad to Craigslist and join online groups.

For the first time in 7 days, I am feeling a slight bit of a hump to get over. I am a very determined person and I do go hard when I want something. Normally, it is hard for me to lose focus. However, I think I may have slightly lost focus this morning. I got a little distracted with designing the business card. I feel as though it was possibly a procrastination tactic!

Determined to press on, I decided to log into to gain some more insight into my next step. I've just watched Matt Larson's 25:1 video on Dean's most recent edition of Unfair Advantage. I will now watch videos related to the "30 days" method that I am following and get some inspiration on getting those buyers. Let's go!