Action-Not Motion Required

As I read Dean's weekly wisdom today, on keeping the momentum going. It is crucial to remember that action, that is acting upon the tasks that are required in order to complete or to be considered finished, is a little different than motions.

I say this as I look back at my own journey and think about the motion vs. action. I have read Dean's book's and re-read them. All full of very important ingredients for success. I have spent lots of hours reading many posts on the web site. I have printed out contracts, orginized paperwork. And then life gets busy and I get off track and feel like I have done nothing gone no where- like a hamster on the wheel. But all the reading and orginizing cannot do what I need in order to succeed. Not to say that this is not important, but all this is motion. I have had to step back and re-evaluate the things that are important to me and the goals I want to achieve and why I am not.

I have started to watch my time (which I have very little of being a mom of six, four-ages 15 10, 8, and 4, which are at home and all in sports and require a lot of travel :0) When I do have free moments I am trying to use them to better my education/knowledge and invest in my business.

I will be done with my job in two weeks, for good. I have put lots of offers out with my REA, all to be turned down and having people telling me I am crazy. Which has left me feeling a bit discouraged, but not eliminated. :0) I have invested in Bandit Signs and putting them out on the weekends, which have had a great response. :0) I have talked to lots of prospects. I have an offer on a REO going out on a house tomorrow. I found a pre forclosure that the owner is willing to let me catch up what is behind and take over payments. I have a diamond in the rough estate property (older house in the best neighborhood)that I am dealing with the family on with right now. I literally have deals hitting me left and right. I have a few buyers on my list, but really need to beef that up.

This is where motion and action meet. I need to take further action to build my buyers list, and make the deals. Believe me the motion feels like I am doing something, but the action is scary at first. What happens if I sign on the dotted line and I can't find a buyer or it isn't the greatest deal. I fear my own success. Isn't that crazy!? I know what I want and the places it can bring me. Yet it is scary.

I remember some things that Dean has said. I will not let any unqualified person tell me that I can't, the worse they can say is no, fake it until you make it, and most importantly Knowledge + Action = Success.

So ask yourself as I do me, are you just going through the motions or are you taking action in order to see the completed goal?