I did it! I could not afford to attend in person, but,I bought The Edge 2013 Replay. As always, I enjoy listening to Dean's voice with his shared words of wisdom, and now I get to hear his whole hour+ of it as many times as I want. This has given me more excitement to continue with my direction forward; without "negativity". Now, I will work hard at focusing on the positive of all things; when I can't, I will find my optimistic friends who will remind to to stay optimistic.
Yesterday, as I was driving to the supermarket, I saw a yard sale with old furniture in the front lawn. I decided, "I'm going to take this chance and do with Carol Stinson has adviced; to go up to the owner of the home and say, "I see you are selling some home goods and furniture...Will you be moving?" I did it and asked it". It worked! He said he'll be moving to Hawaii in about 6 months and will be planning on selling. His wife has past (a year ago) so once he knows the price on the market, he will set a price. I told him I would be interested once he decides to sell and gave him my card. Yet, I'm not sure if that was enough. What next? How do I convince this seller that I could offer him a reasonable price that will benefit all of us (the seller, me-the inverstor, and the buyer? I'd appreciate any help on the next steps and words I could use that may work to convince him
I'm excited!! I'm moving forward with "The EDGE 2013"
May 25th, 2013 | posted by Arcey
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